The 2 Secret Keys to Consistent Trading


I’ve been in India recently and it got me thinking about the ancient guru system…

Why is it that the guru system exists?

What is its purpose?

Well, let’s break down skill aquisition to its simplest parts.

Take trading… what are the keys needed to start winning regularly?

As Sameer says below, there are two things you need to master trading if you are brand new:


The aid of a teacher

As he explains…

Nowadays “gurus” have a bad name…

But all a guru is in reality…

Is someone who helps you implement specific knowledge.

If you just have a general guide: you have a life coach who encourages you to meditate, etc.

That’s cool, but we want to be high performers!

If you just have a bunch of YouTube trading knowledge videos, you might understand how to analyse the market…

But… then comes the problem of forming your own trade ideas, entry model, and risk management!

Separating these two things makes success almost impossible.

Combining the presence of a guru with high-level knowledge…

That’s what allows the student to truly master his craft.

A good teacher + good training = Profit in the markets.

It’s been this way for thousands of years in various disciplines and it will continue to be so.

I can show you the door.

But it’s up to you to walk inside.

Check out the link above if you’re interested in forming a student/guru relationship 😉

Happy Trading,


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